Monday, March 31, 2008

Train Station Glances

So it was good to finally hang out with Natalia again after not seeing her for so long.   She is one of my last friends from high school that I still live near and can see on a regular basis.  We basically WoW'd and made fun of her love affair with Neil.  

  Other then that my dads birthday cake tasted amazing even if he was to drunk to even eat it.  That wasn't going to stop me from enjoying a good cake!  I've been asking and asking people about so many things but I never can come forward and explain why his drinking bothers me and why I get so frustrated with him.  Partially because I can't even explain it to myself...

  On a lighter note; every day I ask Jamie to marry me and each and every time I honestly mean it...It is only a matter of time but time needs to matter faster!

And with that it is time for sleep,


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