Monday, May 26, 2008


20 years of beating the hell out of my insides
And I'm finally out of the joint
With the rest of the human race
If anyone asked me to go back
I'd damn near break my neck fleeing from them.
I wouldn't own it.

Apparently back home
in Massachusetts
I'm called a Bohemian 
As always 6 of 1
Half dozen of the others
(The others being a twangy voice, some bartender,
A counterman, the sea, a mongoose and a Bellevue)

I've started dressing in the cast off clothes of these friends
Their overcoats, their suites,
Their shirts and even their shoes.
The only thing that fits me nowerdays are bitter New England winters
And a layer of newspaper.

One summer evening party
Spent in a sear-sucker suite
Just to prove that I'm all Hand-me-downs
A crumpled cigarette picked up off the sidewalk
This lifestyle is overrated
Bohemianism has aged
Considerably beyond its years...
...I'd guess by about 260-270 now.

I wrote that poem a while ago and have just gotten around to posting it here and on Facebook.  It kind of explains the sense of total abandon I'm feeling at the moment with this semi-huge problem I've created for myself to conquer...

Thats a really innaproriate term for this situation but I think I will let it slide by just for now, just this once, as I have for every oppertunity that has come my way...


Friday, May 23, 2008

Chasing Pavments

The cat next from down the street that hangs out with us is dying and I'm so sad.  Her hips are starting to go and you can tell when she sits and walks.  It was hard for me to not cry my eyes out.

I sat with her a bit and patted her and gave her some treats and a catnip toy.  Anything to make her life a little easier. Oh god I can't believe it she has been around for so long and I'm gonna miss her so much.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Well it has been a while since I posted here but not a whole ton has changed.  I'm finally out of classes and stress free for a tad but I still feel so stressed and so sad sometimes and I can't figure out why.  Besides that I'm trying to do anything to get out of going to Acadia Maine with my parents since Jamie can't come and that was the only reason I wanted to go.

The zine has taken off so to speak and the second issue is in the works.  Besides that I've been playing WoW alot with brian and leveling my paladin, Suicider who is almost 56 and gonna hit outlands with a bang :).

Well, back to leveling

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Yo Gabba Gabba

Wow...I thought the T.V. wasn't already seriously fucked but I guess I was soooooo wrong its not even funny...What ever happened to kids shows like Bananas in Pajamas or Eureaka's Castle?  When shows where educational and not like rave/trance techno where kids need to be dosed on E to play along?

Here is a clip from one:

Ok obviously thats so messed....


Monday, May 12, 2008

I get alot of empty cards

Yesterday Natalia and I went to the Southwicks Zoo.  It was a really good time, I hadn't been their since I was like 10 and it has expanded so much!  I got some great shots of the animals since you can get so close to them [the picture of the baboon is one I took].  The best part was feeding the deer.  They would come right up to you to eat out of your hand, so cute!

After that I was pretty exhausted and got home and proceeded to put off my 4 page Humanities paper and my artist statement for Advanced Color Processes.  Yet around 1 a.m. I wrapped everything up and had it ready to go.

The review went amazing and everyone loved the images.  It was good to hear that after I put so much effort into that body of work, which, by the way, isn't nearly finished.  I plan to continue this idea since I love it so much.

Tomorrow is my Photographic Applications review which will go....interesting to say the least.  I really dislike that class.  

Natalia and I are planning to put out a Zine, we have no idea the specifics or the name yet but with our sharp wit and sardonic ass-hole-y-ness [yes its a word] it should be good.  So if anyone wants to contribute let me know.

As for that, food time, later later

Friday, May 9, 2008

Hometown Glory

So yesterday I wrapped up my photo projects for both Gabriel's and Ron's classes so I have a huge amount of weight lifted off my shoulders.  I also got my review on thursday so thats good, got an early one too so I will have more time to set up.

Yesterday though, on the ride home, I had downed half a bottle of coke and really needed to piss something bad.  So I'm at the Lynnfield exit and I see a "Food and Lodging" sign.  So I pull off.  Apparently by "Food and Lodging" they meant "Nothing is here you're fucked".  I drove through that town for fucking 30 minuets before turning back and just going to fucking Danvers to take a piss.  Why would people want to live in that kind of a town?  I later found out its an EXTREMELY expensive and exclusive town, one of the most expensive in MA for that matter.

Some notes on the suck-fest that is Lynnfield:

-They are soon celebrating "GERANIUM FEST" apparently a festival dedicated solely to....Geraniums...a flower...not even a  pretty flower at that.

-Lynnfield offers "Tot Connection"  this sounds really perverted but its actually where you can socially network your 1.5-3 year olds and their "Care Givers" cause rich people have kids but don't take care of them themselves...I mean god forbid right?!

-The town is organizing a "Town Golf Outing" cause that doesn't scream "WE ARE LIVING WITH OUR HEADS UP OUR ASS AND CASH IN OUR POCKETS"

-There are no gas stations in the entire town or public restrooms cause rich people don't need gas, they own the oil fields.  Also rich people don't shit...obviously.

In other news...

The Semester is almost over.  On tuesday is my last day.  I just realized this.  I am so over college.

Tal, Mike and I are hiking Blue Hills tomorrow if the weather allows for it so lets all hope.  Tonight I'm heading to Montserrat prom with Erik and Sarah.  We are getting toasted by the beach before prom because I'm sure its gonna suck ass,  free food though.

Other then that, nothing new to report, later much