So yesterday I wrapped up my photo projects for both Gabriel's and Ron's classes so I have a huge amount of weight lifted off my shoulders. I also got my review on thursday so thats good, got an early one too so I will have more time to set up.
Yesterday though, on the ride home, I had downed half a bottle of coke and really needed to piss something bad. So I'm at the Lynnfield exit and I see a "Food and Lodging" sign. So I pull off. Apparently by "Food and Lodging" they meant "Nothing is here you're fucked". I drove through that town for fucking 30 minuets before turning back and just going to fucking Danvers to take a piss. Why would people want to live in that kind of a town? I later found out its an EXTREMELY expensive and exclusive town, one of the most expensive in MA for that matter.
Some notes on the suck-fest that is Lynnfield:
-They are soon celebrating "GERANIUM FEST" apparently a festival dedicated solely to....Geraniums...a flower...not even a pretty flower at that.
-Lynnfield offers "Tot Connection" this sounds really perverted but its actually where you can socially network your 1.5-3 year olds and their "Care Givers" cause rich people have kids but don't take care of them themselves...I mean god forbid right?!
-The town is organizing a "Town Golf Outing" cause that doesn't scream "WE ARE LIVING WITH OUR HEADS UP OUR ASS AND CASH IN OUR POCKETS"
-There are no gas stations in the entire town or public restrooms cause rich people don't need gas, they own the oil fields. Also rich people don't shit...obviously.
In other news...
The Semester is almost over. On tuesday is my last day. I just realized this. I am so over college.
Tal, Mike and I are hiking Blue Hills tomorrow if the weather allows for it so lets all hope. Tonight I'm heading to Montserrat prom with Erik and Sarah. We are getting toasted by the beach before prom because I'm sure its gonna suck ass, free food though.
Other then that, nothing new to report, later much
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